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1837 9 October John Bibb commences busin

9 October 1837

1838 29 Sept John Bibb Baptist Chapel Ba
1838 1 November JOHN BIBB  marriage.jpg

 5November 1838

1838 8 feb John Bibb elected committee S

8 February 1838

1839 22 feb John Bibb Union Bank.jpg
1838 21 November John Bibb Mrs. McLaughl

21 November 1838

1839 10 July 5 houses for Samuel Lyons L
1839 8 September John Bibb 4 houses and
1839 12 Oct John Bibb 4 Houses  for T.W.
1839 26 February John Bibb Union
1839 3 April John Bibb 3 advert for appr
1839 23 July John Bibb Chapel at South H
1839 16 December John Bibb advert for yo
1839 17 April John Bibb gavelecture at
1840 1 July John Bibb 2 Wing for Sydney
1839 30 October John Bibb David Jones bu
1840 3 April John Bibb House for Mrs. Mc

17 April 1839 School of Arts

1840 3 November John Bibb Inependent Cha
1841 3 June John Bibb house for James Tu
1841 14 Dec John Bibb house for Mr Mclau


1841 20 January John Bibb house for Samu



1841 21 April John Bibb house cnr King a
1841 29 Jan JOHN BIBB advert for runaway
1842 1 December JOHN BIBB  canidate for
1842 25 October John Bibb 2 houses and s
1841 28 January John Bibb lays foundatio

28 January 1841

1842 12 July John Bibb elected to commit

12 July 1842

1842 26  May John Bibb house Macquarie S
1842 14 September John Bibb  moved offic
1843 3 January John Bibb  Cottage Windmi
1843 7 April John Bibb Dwellings College


1 1842



1843 8 December John Bibb ruuner up in T
1843 16 Feb John Bibb House for Robert B
1844 1 April John Bibb 3 Houses Catlerei
1844 7 June John Bibb Conregational chur
1844 7 March John Bibb 7 house kent St.j
1844 7 May John Bibb 7 houses Kent
1844 10 Feb John Bibb elected committe M
1844 17 feb john bibb.jpg
1849 18 july John Bibb letter.jpg
1850 11 sept John Bibb.jpg

8 December 1843

1852 3 Feb John Bibb soil for
1853 14 May John Bibb 3 stores Wynyard S
1853 15 Aug John Bibb painting of Union
1854 23 Oct John Bibb letter.jpg
1855 26 may John Bibb Rainbow tavern add
1855 29 dec John bibb Thomas Skinner hou
1857 9 March John Bibb Store Pitt St.jpg




7 June 1844

10 February 1844

10 February 1844.


1856 26 November JOHN BIBB advert for ch
1856 18 December JOHN BIBB advert for ch
1856 2 December JOHN BIBB 2 advert for h
1857 13 May JOHN BIBB advert for child m


14 May 1853





1857 21 May advert for child minder.jpg
1857 5 August JOHN BIBB advert for needl
1858 9 Jan John Bibb house and office No
1858 7 aug John Bibb drainage of propert
1858 17 June John Bibb papering Royal Ho
1858 28 October not responsible for debt
1859 6 sept John Bibb.jpg
1859 15 September JOHN BIBB unsucessful
1859 16 march JOHN BIBB advert for stole
1859 20 December John Bibb lays foundati
1859 30 May John Bibb Show room Pitt Str
1859 30 Nov John Bibb Cottage Cleveland
1860 15 mar John Bibb house Ashfield.jpg
1861 2 Feb John Bibb houses Bligh St rep
1860 29 Sept John Bibb alterations to Ne
1861 2 Feb John Bibb stables.jpg
1861 2 feb John Bibb Villa Enmore repair
1862 1 apr John Bibb estate.jpg
1862 6 feb JOHN BIBB DEATH.jpg
1862 11 February JOHN BIBB 11 February 1
1862 21 January JOHN BIBB Clyde Cottage
1862 22 March JOHN BIBB Clyde cottage co
1876 6 May Clyde Cottage Fire.jpg
1882 22 July Clydge Cottage auctiom.jpg

© 2023 by  Emilia Carter. Proudly created with

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